Understanding the Reiki Healing Crisis: A Journey of Shedding and Transforming

Reiki, the channeling of “Universal Life Force Energy”, is known for its ability to promote relaxation, inner peace, balance, and overall well-being. However, during and immediately after a Reiki session, some individuals may experience what is called a "Reiki healing crisis." In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the concept of what a healing crisis actually entails, what it means, potential symptoms, and the underlying processes involved. By understanding what this experience means, you can embrace the healing journey with confidence and trust, even if you experience a “healing crisis” yourself.

1. Defining the Reiki Healing Crisis:
A Reiki healing crisis, also referred to as a profound and intense healing response, is a temporary period of adjustment and release that may occur during and immediately after a Reiki session. It is considered a positive sign, even though it may feel uncomfortable at the time. If one experiences a “healing crisis” it is believed that the body is responding to the power of Reiki by clearing blockages, stagnant heavy energy, and more painful emotions that may have been deeply stuck and unconsciously (or consciously) held by the individual receiving the energy healing. This clearing and releasing can feel scary for some, but it is through this shedding that the body, mind and soul, are able to welcome in Reiki completely restoring balance and promoting wellness. I call this, healing.

2. Symptoms of a Reiki Healing Crisis:
During a healing crisis, individuals may experience a range of physical, emotional, or psychological symptoms. As challenging as these symptoms may be, it is important to remember that it is only temporary and usually passes within 24-48 hours. After that time, the Reiki has been absorbed and a much more profound feeling of peace and harmony will prevail.

Physical symptoms of a “healing crisis” may include exhaustion, headaches, dizziness, digestive disturbances, or a temporary exaggeration of existing discomforts. Emotional reactions such as heightened sensitivity, mood swings, irritability, or increased emotional releases may also manifest. These symptoms vary from person to person and typically subsides as the body adjusts and moves forward on its healing path. This is the beauty of transformation.

3. The Process of Healing Crisis:
When Reiki energy is channeled into the body, it stimulates the flow of Ki (chi, prana, life force energy) promoting the release of unhealthy stagnant or blocked energy patterns. This release can cause a temporary disruption, as the body adjusts to the changes as it eliminates toxins or emotional imbalances. There can be a short period of discomfort as the body shifts - clearing the dis-ease while absorbing the Reiki. It is a transformative process that invites greater well-being, balance, inner-peace and vitality.

4. Navigating the Healing Crisis:
While a healing crisis can be an uncomfortable experience, it is important to view it as an integral part of the healing journey. It is also important to note that not everyone experiences a “healing crisis” and even if you do not, Reiki is still working. Reiki is an intelligent energy and sometimes is more gentle. However, if you are experiencing one, here are some suggestions to navigate through this phase:

a. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care practices such as rest, hydration, healthy nutrition, and gentle exercises to support your body's healing process.

b. Communication: Openly communicate with your Reiki practitioner about any concerns or experiences you may have during or after a session. They can provide guidance and reassurance to help you through the healing crisis. This is why it is important you work with a Healer that you feel safe with.

c. Emotional Release: Allow yourself to experience and express any emotions that arise. Journaling, meditation, getting out in nature, and/or engaging in creative outlets can facilitate emotional release and allow for more inner harmony.

d. Patience and Trust: Trust in the healing intelligence of your body and the energy healing process. This is very important! Be patient with yourself and embrace the transformational journey, knowing that the discomfort is temporary and indicative of positive change.

A Reiki healing crisis is a natural part of the healing process, indicating that the body is responding to the energy healing and rebalancing itself. Understanding the symptoms and underlying processes involved can help you navigate this phase with greater ease and confidence if you ever experience it. Remember to prioritize self-care, communicate with your Reiki practitioner, and trust in your body's innate ability to heal. By embracing the healing crisis, you can embark on a true healing journey and create long-lasting sustainable and healthy positive changes in your body, mind and soul.

Please reach out to me if you are interested in booking a Reiki session, learning more about this topic or have any questions.


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Understanding Reiki